What’s the difference between stage and clinical hypnosis?
On today’s show, I am pleased to have Dr. Amir Raz, a leading cognitive neuroscientist, and educator share his insight and wisdom. Dr. Amir Raz is a professor of Psychiatry, Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychology Read more…
Interview with Amir Raz at the 2017 Summer Institute on Buddhism and Science, Putting the Buddhism/Science Dialogue on a New Footing, hosted by the Mangalam Research Center from July 17-26, 2017. Professor Amir Raz, Canada Read more…
The Raz Lab was featured in a 2014 CBC documentary, Brain Magic: The Power of Placebo, in an episode of The Nature of Things held by David Suzuki. Included here are the relevant sections featuring Read more…